JAMfest JAPAN vol.21 in YOKOHAMA 救護レポート

2024年11月16日(土)-17日(日)、横浜Buntaiにて「JAMfest JAPAN vol.21 in YOKOHAMA」(以下、JAMfest JAPAN)が開催され、合同会社AWSMに参画しているStaffが大会救護を行いました!


1995年に創立されたJAMfestはアメリカのThe JAM Brandsが運営する8つのチア&ダンスイベントのうちのひとつで、全米最大級の規模を誇り、現在、全米、カナダ、ヨーロッパにおいて7,000以上のチームが参加するコンペティションイベントへと成長しています。照明効果や音楽、そしてJAMfestオリジナルキャラクターを活かした独自の世界観により「楽しさ」と「エンターテインメント性」を追求した他に類を見ないテイストを持ったイベントです。

【JAMfest Japan をきっかけに世界へ】

JAMfest Japanは本国のJAMfestとリンクし、世界を視野に入れた大会となっています。競技部門の優秀チームには、アメリカで行われる全米各地の予選を勝ち抜いたチームが参加する全米最大級のダンスイベント「JAMfest Dance Super Nationals」「JAMfest Cheer Super Nationals」または「U.S. Finals」に出場するBID(出場権)が進呈され、JAMfestJapanをきっかけに世界へステップアップ出来る機会が与えられます!

今回のJAMfest JAPANでは、2日間で約300チームが参加! アメリカ大会の出場権を獲得するために、どのチームも日々練習を積み重ねており、やる気に満ち溢れていました。チアリーディングコンペティションでは、オールガールズとコエドの性別別で競技が行われ、ダンスコンペティションでは、Jazz、Pom、Hip Hop、Variety(左記で2つ以上組み込む)Contemporary/Lyrical、Dance(表記されていないダンス部門)のジャンルに分かれて競技が開催されました。主催者である関係者も審査委員としてアメリカから来日! 本場の雰囲気を感じながら、数少ないアメリカ大会出場権の獲得に向けて大会が行われました!



多少、怪我や傷病はありながらも、無事に大会は終了し、笑顔溢れる大会でした! これからはチームでこの大会を支えていきたいと思います。

JAMfest JAPAN Vol.21 in YOKOHAMA – Event Recap

November 16th-17th, 2024,  JAMfest JAPAN Vol.21 was held in Yokohama where a team of staff members from AWSM LLC provided medical support for the competition!

【About JAMfest】

Founded in 1995, JAMfest is one of the eight cheer and dance events organized by The JAM Brands in the United States. It has grown to become one of the largest competitions in the country, with more than 7,000 teams participating across the U.S., Canada, and Europe. Known for its unique blend of lighting effects, music, and the JAMfest brand’s original characters, the event focuses on creating a fun and entertaining atmosphere like no other.

【JAMfest Japan – A Global Step Forward】

JAMfest Japan is closely linked with the original JAMfest in the U.S., offering a platform for teams to take their talents to the world stage. The top teams from this competition are awarded bids to participate in prestigious U.S. events such as the JAMfest Dance Super Nationals, JAMfest Cheer Super Nationals, and the U.S. Finals. This provides a rare opportunity for teams to advance globally, using JAMfest Japan as a stepping stone.

This year’s JAMfest JAPAN saw approximately 300 teams participate over two days. Each team was driven and excited to earn a spot in the American competitions, demonstrating dedication and hard work. The cheerleading competition was divided into All-Girls and Coed categories, while the dance competition featured genres such as Jazz, Pom, Hip Hop, Variety (two or more of the listed styles), Contemporary/Lyrical, and an open category for other dance styles.

Event organizers, including judges from the U.S., flew in to be part of the competition, providing an authentic American competition atmosphere. It was an exciting event as teams competed for the highly coveted bids to U.S. events.

The level of performance was incredible, with impressive pirouettes and flawless Battement, as well as perfectly synchronized team choreography that captured the audience’s attention. The dancers showed great passion and dedication, performing the culmination of months of preparation.

【Medical Support at the Event】

The participants were filled with a mix of excitement, tension, and nerves as they showcased their skills, knowing this was the result of their hard work. Following the performances, emotions ran high with a mix of relief, disappointment, and accomplishment. Our medical staff was on hand to manage any physical issues arising from the competition, particularly handling injuries caused by landing mishaps such as sprains and fractures.

While there were a few injuries, the competition concluded successfully with smiles and cheers all around. It was an amazing event, and we are proud to have supported the teams throughout their journey.

As we look ahead, we’re excited to continue supporting the event and the athletes as they strive for excellence in future competitions!


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